Brothers and sisters,

      As we approach a critical election, it’s essential for working people to understand what’s truly at stake. The choice we face isn’t just between two individuals—it’s about the future of our livelihoods, our families, and the fundamental rights we’ve fought so hard to secure. The two presidential candidates have vastly different visions for this country, especially when it comes to issues that impact us as working people: the Post Office, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), Social Security, taxes, wages, reproductive rights, etc...

      I’m not here to tell you how to vote, but as your Local President, I want to lay out the facts so that you can make an informed decision based on which candidate best aligns with the interests of working families.

      The U.S. Postal Service: A Lifeline Under Threat

      The Postal Service is more than just a mail carrier—it’s a lifeline for many Americans, especially in rural communities. One candidate has called for privatizing parts of the Postal Service, which could lead to cuts in jobs, higher costs for consumers, and the end of universal service as we know it. Privatization would threaten thousands of union jobs and put profits ahead of public service, leaving rural areas and low-income families at risk of losing affordable mail service.

      The other candidate understands the importance of the post office as a public institution, not a business. That candidate supports strengthening and protecting the Postal Service, including reversing harmful policies that have weakened its financial health. For postal workers and the communities they serve, this issue is critical to ensuring the Post Office remains a reliable, accessible, and public service.

      The NLRB: Protecting Workers' Rights vs. Empowering Corporations

      The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is one of the most important bodies when it comes to defending our right to organize, bargain collectively, and strike if necessary. One candidate has taken a pro-corporate stance, aiming to weaken the NLRB’s ability to protect workers. They have appointed anti-labor figures to the Board and support policies that make it harder for workers to form unions and fight back against unfair practices. This candidate represents a future where corporations are free to exploit workers with fewer consequences.

      The other candidate is committed to strengthening the NLRB and ensuring that workers have the power to organize without fear of retaliation. This candidate wants to expand protections for union organizing, hold employers accountable for union-busting tactics, and empower workers to stand up for fair wages and safe working conditions. For those of us in the labor movement, this difference is huge.

      Social Security: Protecting Our Retirement

      Social Security is the bedrock of retirement for millions of Americans. One candidate has proposed reforms that could reduce benefits, including raising the retirement age and even suggesting privatizing parts of Social Security. This would place retirement security in the hands of Wall Street and weaken one of the most successful programs in American history.

      The other candidate is committed to expanding Social Security and ensuring its long-term solvency by asking the wealthiest to pay more into the system. This candidate understands that after a lifetime of hard work, no one should have to worry about whether their retirement is secure. For working people, this is about dignity in our later years.

      Taxes: Who Pays Their Fair Share?

      When it comes to taxes, one candidate is all about lowering taxes for the rich and big corporations, claiming this will create jobs and spur the economy. We’ve heard this before, and we know it doesn’t work. These policies have only widened the gap between the rich and the rest of us. Corporations pocket the savings while workers see no meaningful increase in wages.

      The other candidate proposes to raise taxes on the wealthy and corporations to fund vital programs that benefit working families, such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure. This candidate believes that everyone should pay their fair share, especially the richest in our society, and that those funds should be used to invest in the people who keep this country running—us, the workers.

      Wages: Fair Pay for a Fair Day's Work

      Wages are always at the heart of what we fight for. One candidate believes that wages should be left to the market, meaning employers can continue to pay as little as possible. This candidate opposes raising the federal minimum wage, which has been stuck at $7.25 an hour since 2009. They believe wage increases should be decided at the local level, which leaves millions of workers across the country struggling to make ends meet.

      The other candidate stands with us, advocating for a $15 federal minimum wage and ensuring that workers are paid a living wage. This candidate understands that no one working full-time should live in poverty, and that fair wages help lift families out of hardship and strengthen our economy.

      Reproductive Rights: The Right to Choose

      Reproductive rights are also on the line in this election. One candidate supports severe restrictions on reproductive rights, including banning abortion and rolling back access to birth control. This candidate’s policies would limit healthcare options for women, particularly for working-class women who don’t have the means to travel for reproductive care.

      The other candidate is committed to protecting and expanding reproductive rights, ensuring that women have the freedom to make decisions about their own bodies. They support access to affordable reproductive healthcare, including safe, legal abortion. For working women, the ability to control our reproductive health is essential to our economic security and well-being.

      Xenophobia: Division vs. Unity

      Lastly, we must address the issue of xenophobia. One candidate has stoked fear and division, promoting policies that target immigrants and minorities. From calling for bans on immigrants from certain countries to encouraging racial profiling, this candidate's agenda is driven by a worldview that seeks to divide us based on race, religion, and nationality. We know that when they come for one group of workers, they’ll come for the rest of us next.

      The other candidate stands for inclusion and unity, promoting comprehensive immigration reform and fighting for the rights of all workers, regardless of where they come from. This candidate understands that diversity is our strength and that all workers deserve dignity and respect, no matter their background. Solidarity means standing together, and that’s what this candidate represents.

      The Choice We Face

      In this election, the choice is clear. One candidate’s policies will weaken unions, strip away workers’ rights, and protect the wealthy at the expense of the rest of us. The other candidate’s platform is centered on expanding worker protection, raising wages, defending the rights of all people, and ensuring that the government works for everyone—not just the rich and powerful.

      As your Local President, I urge you to think about what kind of future you want for yourself, your family, and for working people across this country. This election isn’t just about one issue—it’s about whether we continue the fight for economic justice, dignity in the workplace, and equality for all.

      Stay informed, stay united, and let your voice be heard at the ballot box!!!

      NPMHU - Local 321 recommends using Turbovote to see what's on your ballot, make sure you're registered to vote, and even request a ballot to vote-by-mail! Click on Turbovote to learn more. 

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      Local 321
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      Local 321
      2023 Cookout Highlights
      Local 321
      2023 Cookout Highlights

      MHBP - Open to all Federal Employees

      Urge your Representatives and Senators to Support the USPS Shipping Equity Act

      The National Postal Mail Handlers Union is joining with the Distilled Spirits Council,APWU, NALC, and Brewers and Distillers to request members of Congress to cosponsor the USPS Shipping Equity Act, H.R. 3287/S. 1663. As this legislation overturns Prohibition Era regulations, the USPS will be able to meet the demands of customers to ship directly from producers and will generate $190 million annually for the Postal Service. 

      Please use this link to contact your members of Congress and Senators 



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