Terminal Handling Services (THS) Mail Handler Assistant (MHA) Staffing Denver, CO click herePaused
MHBP - Open to all Federal Employees
2023 Local 321 Installation of OfficersNational President Paul Hogrogian with the microphone administrating the oath of Office to Local 321 newly elected and re-elected officers, from (r-l) Branch President Grand Junction Eva Olson, Local President Tony Wilson, Vice President / Branch President Denver GMF Samuel T Koduah, Treasurer Jeff Morgan, Branch President Denver NDC Robert Koryto, Colorado State Executive Board Member Louis Crew, Branch President Cheyenne GMF Ricci Roberts, Wyoming State Executive Board Member Robert Jacknitsky, in the front row on knees from (l-r) Recording Secretary Curtis Grantham, and Branch President Colo Springs Richard Lairscey.
Urge your Representatives and Senators to Support the USPS Shipping Equity Act
The National Postal Mail Handlers Union is joining with the Distilled Spirits Council,APWU, NALC, and Brewers and Distillers to request members of Congress to cosponsor the USPS Shipping Equity Act, H.R. 3287/S. 1663. As this legislation overturns Prohibition Era regulations, the USPS will be able to meet the demands of customers to ship directly from producers and will generate $190 million annually for the Postal Service.
Please use this link to contact your members of Congress and Senators
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Updated: Sep. 09 (16:04)
VZ Surplus Message CWA Local 1103 UNION FEST Teamsters Local Union No. 142 Pay Scale Iowa Postal Workers Union IAM Agrees on Tentative Agreement Deal With Boeing Teamsters Local 355 Local 89 Members at AVI Ratify New Contract Teamsters Local 89 IAM Agrees on Tentative Agreement Deal With Boeing Teamsters Local 992